Held at the Mercure Hotel Brisbane Queensland ( Australia ) on the 11- 12- and 13 th October 1996.
Presented by QUFON A scientific and spiritual approaches to the flying saucer phenomena.
Are they real?, Future, past or present?, How many advanced civilisations are there out there in our Universe?,
What is behind the crop circles in England and other parts of the world? and many more questions were discussed.
Mr. Walter Andrus Jr.- International Director of MUFON USA
Mr. Whitely Strieber - Author "Transformation", "Majestic", Communion".
Col.Wendelle Stevens - Retired USA Air Force, Investigator, USA
Mr. Stanton Friedman - Nuclear Physicist, Author.
Ms. Linda Moulton Howe - Film and TV Presenter, Author, Investigator.
Rev. Glennys Mackay - Queensland Director / Researcher MUFON. UFO support group.
Mr. Perer Davenport - National UFO Reporting Centre USA.
Mr. John Carpenter - Phychologist, Clinical hypnosis "Sightings", Director MUFON
Mr. Joe Lewels - Ph.D. Director MUFON Texas USA
Professor John Mack - Professor of Psychiatry, author "Abduction"
Dr. Pat Bailey - Nuclear scientist, space rockets
Mr. David Summers - Editor 'Exposure" magazine, UFO Researcher
Mr. Stan Deyo - Author "Cosmic Conspiracy"
Mr. Keith Basterfield - co-ordinator MUFON Australia and New Zealand.
Prof. Ademar Gevaerd - Editor / Director UFO Magazine Brazil
Mr. Bill Chalker-Author and Researcher.( His new book " The OZ Files " )
Mira Magee-From INUFOR Sydney.
For more information contact: Rev. Glennys Mackay phone / fax International 61-7-3849-6450 within Australia ( 07 ) 3849 6450 or e-mail glenmack@thehub.com.au
A review of the Symposium will be on this site soon.